The Ultimate Japanese Skincare Routine Guide – OMMA COSMETICS Skip to content

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The Ultimate Japanese Skincare Routine Guide

The Japanese have always been known for their impeccable skin. In recent years, the Japanese skincare routine has gained immense popularity all over the world. So what is this magical routine that the Japanese swear by? Do you want to know why Japanese skin is flawless? I might have some answers for you!

The Japanese skincare routine is not just about using the right products, but also following the correct steps and methods. In this guide, I will take you through the Japanese skincare revolution and their traditional routine, so that you can achieve flawless skin at home.


  1. What makes Japanese skincare so appealing?
  2. The ultimate guide for creating a Japanese skincare routine


What makes Japanese skincare so appealing?

The Japanese skincare routine is a multi-step process that may seem like a lot of work, but the results are definitely worth it – just imagine having glowing, healthy skin that needs no additional make-up. Isn’t this everyone’s dream? Japanese women have flawless skin because they are diligent about their skincare routine and they use high-quality products.

Except for the fact that it implies lots of patience and consistency, there are some other key aspects about Japanese beauty (J beauty) that makes it so effective and so appealing to women all around the world. Here are some of its key principles:

Japanese beauty J beauty woman

A Japanese skincare routine addresses specific skin needs

The Japanese skincare routine is so effective because it includes a variety of steps that address different skin concerns – acne, hyperpigmentation and aging, to name a few. By using products such as cleansers, exfoliants, essences, and serums, the Japanese are able to achieve healthy and beautiful skin.

The Japanese skincare routine is the complete opposite of the popular “less is more” trend – and its main aim is to deliver what the Japanese call “porcelain skin”. This requires a multi-step process and taking the time to massage the products into the skin.

J beauty focuses on prevention instead of cure

This is one of the biggest philosophies behind Japanese skincare: preventing is much better and easier than fixing the problem with various products afterwards. Japanese women focus on preventing damage and various problems to the skin instead of treating it after the damage is already done. By following a Japanese skincare routine regularly, you will help keeping your skin happy and healthy every day.

natural ingredients in japanese skincare routine

A healthy skin is not just about your skincare

Your habits and lifestyle are a crucial aspect for your skin’s happiness, not just the products you put on your face daily. Japanese women have a holistic approach to skincare and they put a focus on their diet, exercise and a proper sleep schedule as well. No stress and no smoking are important as well for your skin’s well-being – and your own, too.

Japanese skincare is all about natural ingredients

Natural ingredients are another appealing aspect when it comes to Japanese skincare products. Japanese women believe that using products with natural ingredients is the best way to achieve healthy, beautiful skin. This is why their products are also formulated with gentle combinations of products and they avoid harsh ingredients and chemicals such as alcohol at all costs. This means a younger looking skin!

Sun protection above all

Moreover, sun protection is a key element for having healthy skin and the Japanese do their best to avoid sun and to wear sunscreen every day, be it summer or winter. This habit will help with premature aging, keeping your skin glowing and healthy for longer. After all, we all know how dangerous UV rays can be for our skin and health!

The ultimate guide for creating a Japanese skincare routine

Now that you know all the best Japanese skincare basics, it’s time to create your own routine! Below you will find all the traditional Japanese skincare steps, explained, as well as some precious Japanese skincare secrets to keep in mind:

  1. Prepping the skin

All Japanese skincare routines start in the same place: prepping the skin for the following process. This means to either take a hot shower/bath – or, if short on time, using a hot damp towel and applying it on your skin for a couple of minutes in order to open the pores.

  1. The famous double cleansing method

After prepping, a correct Japanese skincare routine always starts with double cleansing. Double cleansing is a two-step process, usually consisting of an oil-based cleanser or micellar water that will remove the make-up and a water-based cleanser for deep cleaning your pores and getting rid of any impurities left on the skin. This two-step cleansing method is the best choice because it’s super effective, yet gentle on your skin, especially if you use a foaming face wash for the second step.

  1. Use acne spot treatments, like pimple patches. 

Pimple patches are a great way to get rid of those stubborn and annoying pimples. Don't pop them, patch them! Apply a patch on any zits you may have and watch them clear and heal a lot faster. 

OMMA WOW PATCHES for acne-prone skin

In case you struggle with acne-prone skin or the occasional zits, here are some products you should check out:


Invisible hydrocolloid blemish patch Your go-to solution kit for clearing late-stage whiteheads overnight, 72pcs
Invisible hydrocolloid blemish patch
Your go-to solution kit for clearing late-stage whiteheads overnight, 72pcs
Microcrystal blemish patch Your zit-free emergency kit for reducing early-stage painful & deep pimples, 18pcs
Microcrystal blemish patch
Your zit-free emergency kit for reducing early-stage painful & deep pimples, 18pcs

Check out OMMA's WOW PATCHES with both microcrystals and hydrocolloid and infused with powerful active ingredients. 

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  1. Applying a lotion

Japanese women swear by their lotion and have been using this type of product for hundreds of years now. So it’s safe to say that applying a lotion right after cleansing is a compulsory step in any Japanese skincare routine. In fact, compared to Korean beauty, Japanese beauty uses lotions instead of toners after cleansing in order to start moisturizing the skin.

  1. Serums

Serums are excellent products, as they’re basically concentrated treatments that target specific skin problems such as dryness, dark spots or even wrinkles. Serums and essences (which are the lighter version of serums) are another crucial step for a coherent Japanese routine, as they will deeply hydrate your skin. If you’re using a serum formulated with hyaluronic acid or glycerine, you’ll achieve plump and hydrated skin.

  1. Creams

Moisturizing your skin every day is another secret in Japanese skincare. They believe that moisturizing is the most important step in any skincare routine. Hence, creams are the key ingredient for sealing all the products and ingredients used on your skin in the previous steps.

  1. Eye cream

The area around our eyes is usually more sensitive and prone to wrinkles and fine lines. This means that taking care of this area should start early if you want to follow the Japanese golden rule of prevention. 

  1. Last but definitely not least – SPF

The last step in a traditional Japanese skincare routine is crucial as well: sun protection. Japanese women typically use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 on a daily basis, and they reapply it often throughout the day.

Other than these base steps, here are some additional Japanese skincare products that you can use optionally, once or twice per week:


You can exfoliate your skin 2-3 times per week in order to get rid of dead skin cells and to reveal the smoother skin underneath. Depending on your skin’s type and needs, you can either use a physical exfoliator such as a scrub or a face brush or a chemical exfoliator such as a product with AHA or BHA.


As mentioned before, Japanese skincare differs from the Korean one because they don’t focus on toners as much. Japanese usually use a lotion instead of toner, but you can still use a toner once or twice per week in the morning to brighten and freshen your skin.


Another optional step that comes right after you’re done cleansing your skin. Just like a lotion, a high-quality booster will prepare your skin for the next steps in your routine.

Masks, masks, masks

Masks are as popular in J beauty as they are in Korean skincare, and they’re usually personalized depending on your skin’s needs and problems. Japanese skincare usually involves masking only once or twice per week.


Remember, the key to achieving flawless Japanese skin is to be consistent with your skincare routine. Use high-quality products and take the time to massage them into your skin. With patience and dedication, you will be able to achieve the beautiful, healthy skin that you’ve always wanted!


Adrienne | Co-founder of OMMA Cosmetics

Photo sources: Unsplash

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