Hyaluronic Acid Benefits for Skin - Here's What You Should Know and Ho – OMMA COSMETICS Skip to content

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Hyaluronic Acid Benefits for Skin - Here's What You Should Know and How to Use It

Hyaluronic Acid Benefits for Skin - Here's What You Should Know and How to Use It

One of the most buzzed-about ingredients in skincare right now is hyaluronic acid. And for good reason - this powerful ingredient can do wonders for your skin!

Hyaluronic acid is also known as the “Holy Grail” in skincare and many women consider it to be the best solution for deep hydration and no wrinkles.

In case you want to find out everything there is to know about hyaluronic acid and how to use it for your skin and hair, as well as the best product recommendations with hyaluronic acid, this complete guide will answer all your questions.

    1. What is hyaluronic acid good for?
    2. Hyaluronic acid benefits for skin
    3. Hyaluronic acid in skincare

     What is hyaluronic acid good for?

    So, what exactly is hyaluronic acid (HA)? It's a substance that's naturally found in our skin, and it's known for its ability to hold onto water. This makes it a great choice for those with dry skin, as it can help to keep the skin hydrated and plump.

    But that's not all - hyaluronic acid can also help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. That's because it helps to stimulate collagen production, which is the key to keeping skin looking young and healthy.

    In short, you can think of hyaluronic acid as a big glass of water for your skin, which offers a big dose of hydration and plump. In skincare, hyaluronic acid is equal to hydration.

    If you're thinking of adding a product with hyaluronic acid to your skincare routine, there are a few things you should know. First, it's important to choose a product that's appropriate for your skin type. If you have dry skin, look for a product that's specifically designed for that purpose.

    And second, be sure to follow the directions on the product label. While hyaluronic acid is generally safe for all skin types, overusing it can lead to irritation.

    pimple patch on face

    Hyaluronic acid uses

    Hyaluronic acid comes in different forms and shapes. Often times, it’s a main ingredient in creams, ointments, serums, eye creams and lotions, all of them with moisturizing properties. But not only – some skincare brands add hyaluronic acid in cleansers and toners as well. This helps the products reduce their drying properties, hydrating the skin instead and preparing it for the next steps in your skincare routine.

    We use hyaluronic acid in our WOW Pimple Patches.

    This is one of the ingredients that makes them so effective, because unlike other acne spot treatments that tend to dry out your skin, OMMA's pimple patches keep the area hydrated. This means no more acne scarring!


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    Invisible hydrocolloid blemish patch
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    Hyaluronic acid benefits for skin

    Hyaluronic acid doesn’t have its special place in skincare formulas for nothing. This special ingredient has a lot of benefits for skin, including:

    • Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
    • Preserving the natural elasticity of the skin and firming it
    • Retaining moisture into the skin, keeping it hydrated – hyaluronic is an excellent humectant, which means it has the property to attract and lock in the moisture into your skin
    • Offering a subtle plumping effect
    • Protecting your skin’s natural barrier – the lipid barrier
    • Stimulating collagen production
    • Smoothing out the overall texture of the skin
    • Stimulating skin cell regeneration
    • Enhancing your skin’s ability to protect itself from environmental pollutants

    wow pimple patches active ingredients

    Hyaluronic acid in skincare

    Except for its numerous benefits, one of the best things about hyaluronic acid is that it can be used by anyone. It’s not irritating for the skin and it doesn’t cause allergic reactions or acne breakouts, which means it can be used on sensitive skin as well. Products with hyaluronic acid can be used at any age and some of them are specifically formulated for mature skin as well.

    Just like with any product, there is a slight chance of having a side effect, which is why, if you’re just starting out, it is advised to introduce the products formulated with hyaluronic acid gradually and see how your skin is reacting over time.

    If you’re planning on using a product formulated with hyaluronic acid, here are the main steps you should follow:

    • Apply a pea-sized amount of product to clean, dry skin.
    • Gently massage into the skin until it's fully absorbed.
    • Follow with your regular skincare routine.


    hyaluronic acid serum

    Hyaluronic acid serums

    Serums are some of the best products you can pick if you want to include hyaluronic acid into your daily skincare routine. The reason is that serums usually have more concentrated formulas, which means your skin will benefit from a bigger amount of this wonder ingredient.

    When talking about hyaluronic acid serums, there are different options and brands out there. First of all, there are serums formulated with pure forms of hyaluronic acid, which means they use HA as the sole ingredient.

    Secondly, you’ll find numerous serums on the market that contain some other key ingredients for your skin such as niacinamide or Vitamin C, for example. This type of products offers various other benefits for the skin, but the way to find out which type of serum is the best for you is the classic testing, trying and seeing how your skin behaves and looks. What you’re aiming for is plump, hydrated skin that radiates with health!

    Hyaluronic acid face creams

    Face creams are one of the most common skincare products containing hyaluronic acid. Because HA is such a wonderful hydrating ingredient, using a hyaluronic acid cream is one of the most common and accessible ways of including this ingredient into your skincare routine.

    There are various hyaluronic acid face creams on the market, formulated for various needs and problems such as dry skin or mature skin that needs some anti-aging and wrinkle-reducing formulas. If you have dry skin, it’s recommended to use a heavier cream that will enrich your skin’s texture; otherwise, if you have oily skin, a light-weight, gel-like cream is most recommended because it won’t clog your pores.


    hyaluronic acid cream

    Hyaluronic acid on hair

    Because hyaluronic acid is such a wonderful, hydrating ingredient, its uses don’t stop to your skin only. HA can also be used for improving your hair’s health, especially if you have frizzy or damaged hair.

    As we mentioned before, hyaluronic acid is an excellent humectant, which means it can lock in the moisture in your skin. The same principle applies to your hair as well – HA can help preserve moisture into your hair’s follicles and into your scalp as well, smoothing out your hair’s overall texture and hydrating any dry areas on your scalp.

    If you want to offer a boost of hydration and well-being to your hair with the help of hyaluronic acid, you can use topical hair treatments such as a lotion or a shampoo, or you can add some HA supplements for hair into your diet. Last but not least, hyaluronic acid for hair works best combined with other key ingredients such as collagen, keratin or nourishing oils such as argan oil.


    OMMA acne products with hyaluronic acid

    Our pimple patches are enhanced with hyaluronic acid, leaving your zit area hydrated for a faster healing without any dryness or scabbing.

    Invisible hydrocolloid blemish patch
    Your go-to solution kit for clearing late-stage whiteheads overnight, 72pcs
    Microcrystal blemish patch
    Your zit-free emergency kit for reducing early-stage painful & deep pimples, 18pcs


    Hyaluronic acid and retinol

    When it comes to skincare, there are a lot of different ingredients that can be beneficial for your skin. But two of the most popular right now are hyaluronic acid and retinol. So, what's the difference between these two ingredients?

    Hyaluronic acid is a substance that's naturally found in our skin. It's known for its ability to hold onto water, which makes it a great choice for those with dry skin. Hyaluronic acid can also help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. That's because it helps to stimulate collagen production, which is key to keeping skin looking young and healthy.

    Retinol, on the other hand, is a form of vitamin A. It's commonly found in skincare products that are designed to fight wrinkles and fine lines. Retinol can also help to improve the texture of your skin and give it a more youthful appearance.


    Hyaluronic acid vs. retinol

    So, which one should you use? The answer may depend on your specific skincare goals. If you're looking for something to help with hydration, hyaluronic acid is a great choice. If you're trying to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, retinol may be a better option.

    Of course, you can also use both hyaluronic acid and retinol together for maximum benefit. Just be sure to start slowly and increase the frequency of use gradually. This will help to avoid any irritation or redness.


    Hyaluronic acid – safe in pregnancy?

    So, is it safe to use hyaluronic acid during pregnancy? The short answer is yes - hyaluronic acid is generally considered safe for use during pregnancy. However, as with any skincare product, it's always best to check with your doctor first.

    If you do decide to use hyaluronic acid during pregnancy, be sure to start slowly and increase the frequency of use gradually. This will help to avoid any irritation or redness. And always remember to wear sunscreen, as your skin will be more sensitive during pregnancy.


    Adrienne | Co-founder of OMMA Cosmetics

    Photo sources: OMMA and Unsplash. 

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