Why Tea Tree Extract Is So Effective In Acne Skincare and How To Use It – OMMA COSMETICS Skip to content

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Why Tea Tree Extract Is So Effective In Acne Skincare and How To Use It Properly

Why Tea Tree Extract Is So Effective In Acne Skincare and How To Use It Properly

Tea tree oil has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for skin ailments. It has been shown to be effective in treating acne, eczema, psoriasis and more. Nowadays it is available in many skincare products but often the question arises: is tea tree extract really worth adding to your skincare routine? And how do you use it efficiently?

This article will answer all questions about tea tree extract and why it is so effective when using skincare products that contain it!

    1. What is tea tree extract / tea tree oil?
    2. What does tea tree extract / oil do for skin?
    3. Why is tea tree extract so effective in acne skincare?
    4. Tea tree skincare before and after - what to expect
    5. How to apply tea tree oil on skin
    6. Tea tree extract recommended acne skincare products
    7. FAQs about tea tree extract in skincare

     What is tea tree extract / tea tree oil?

    Tea tree oil, also known as melaleuca oil, is derived from the leaves of the native Australian tea tree. It's very popular among skincare enthusiasts because it has antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties—and it works well on acne-prone skin in particular.

    One thing to keep in mind: Tea tree extract doesn't come cheap, so don't feel like you have to buy every single product with this ingredient in it just because it sounds good on paper. If your skin doesn't react well, try other ingredients instead (like salicylic acid).

    What does tea tree extract / oil do for skin?

    Tea tree extract is a natural antibacterial, antifungal and astringent. It's also anti-inflammatory and anti-septic, meaning that it can help reduce the redness of pimples as well as prevent bacteria from infecting your skin.

    Because tea tree oil is antimicrobial (meaning it fights off bacteria) it can be used to treat acne and other skin infections.

    When applied to acne-prone areas daily, tea tree oil has been shown to help clear up breakouts in just one week. Additionally, because this essential oil is an effective deodorant as well as treatment for other types of dermatitis (inflammation or irritation of the skin), many people use it on their face every day as part of their skincare routine.

    tea tree extract

    Tea tree extract recommended acne skincare products | OMMA WOW PATCHES

    In case you want to try tea tree extract on your skin as a spot treatment and see what wonders it does, here are some products you should check out:

    Invisible hydrocolloid blemish patch Your go-to solution kit for clearing late-stage whiteheads overnight, 72pcs
    Invisible hydrocolloid blemish patch
    Your go-to solution kit for clearing late-stage whiteheads overnight, 72pcs
    Microcrystal blemish patch Your zit-free emergency kit for reducing early-stage painful & deep pimples, 18pcs
    Microcrystal blemish patch
    Your zit-free emergency kit for reducing early-stage painful & deep pimples, 18pcs

    Why is tea tree extract so effective in acne skincare? |  Benefits of tea tree extract / oil for skin

    There are numerous benefits of including tea tree extract into your skincare routine, for example:

    • Effective against eczema – Tea tree oil soothes dry skin and reduces itches when it comes to eczema;
    • Antiseptic properties – If you have oily skin, tea tree extract is an excellent way to help with oiliness;
    • Anti-inflammatory properties – tea tree extract does wonders on irritated, swollen skin;
    • Calming effects – when applied on itchy skin; moreover, this substance can also heal the infection that has caused the itchy skin in the first place;
    • Wound healing – the extract has strong antibacterial properties which can help healing wounds caused by bacteria;
    • Dandruff treatment – tea tree extract can also help treating dandruff by clearing the scalp of dead skin cells and various chemicals;

    Out of all of these advantages that come with the use of tea tree extract into your skincare products, the following is probably the most important and popular benefit of them all:

    Tea tree skincare for acne

    Tea tree oil has been used for centuries to treat a variety of skin conditions, including acne and pimples. There are many reasons why tea tree extract is so effective in acne skincare. Tea tree oil works by drying out acne and reducing inflammation on your skin's surface. The active ingredient (1,8-cineole) in tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness and swelling caused by acne breakouts. By killing bacteria on your skin's surface (including p. acnes), tea tree also helps prevent future breakouts from happening so quickly after each other—which means less damage overall to your skin!

    Tea tree oil also works as an anti-inflammatory agent by reducing irritation and redness associated with acne breakouts.

    It also has soothing properties that help to heal wounds and promote cell regeneration, which helps to clear blackheads as well as pimples.

    how to use tea tree oil on skin

    Tea tree skincare before and after - what to expect

    If you’re interested in using tea tree oil for skincare, it’s important to know what to look for. There are plenty of products that contain the ingredient and some may not be as effective or safe as others.

    Here are a few tips on how to choose the best tea tree oil skincare products:

    • Look for at least 15% pure grade 1 essential oil when buying tea tree oil skincare products.
    • Choose a product that comes with 100% pure organic plant ingredients. This will ensure that there are no harmful chemicals in your skincare solution, which can cause irritation and other skin issues over time if used frequently enough on your face or body parts (e.g., chest acne).

    When using products formulated with tea tree oil, you shouldn’t expect results overnight. Just like with any other ingredient or type of product, it’s required to have lots of patience and dedication and to use the product on a daily basis in order to have visible results.

    How to apply tea tree oil on skin

    There are two ways of using tea tree oil on your skin:

    • you can either use pure tea tree oil by adding it to your regular skincare products or
    • you can buy a product specifically formulated with tea tree in its composition

    If you’re going for the first option (using tea tree oil by itself), it’s very important to not use it directly to the skin. Instead, dilute it with a different oil such as coconut or almond oil, for example, using a ratio of 1 drop tea tree oil to 12 drops carrier oil.

    Then, to apply the tea tree oil mixture, use a cotton pad and gently wipe it across the affected area of your skin. Only a small amount is needed at first.

    If you are using tea tree oil for acne or other skin conditions, then limit your application to once every three days at first, then increase the number of applications. You may also want to consider using it at night so that you can sleep comfortably without worrying about getting any on your pillowcase or bedsheets.

    When using products with tea tree in general, if possible try not to get any of this product in contact with eyes because irritation can occur if done incorrectly but don't fret too much over this because it usually only happens when someone has accidentally gotten some eye drops in their eye instead! If this happens just flush out with water immediately after applying both products together.

    One more thing though: if irritation occurs while using these together (eyelid swelling etc) stop immediately until symptoms subside but keep following up twice daily until symptoms go away completely AND if needed apply ice pack overtop whichever area was affected most heavily by said reaction.

    how to use tea tree oil products

    Tips on how to use tea tree products

    Here are some useful tips when incorporating tea tree oil into your skincare routine:

    • Before using products with tea tree on your skin, make sure you do a patch test on your arm, for example, to ensure you’re not sensitive to this ingredient;
    • Don’t apply tea tree oil directly on your skin; use a carrier oil instead and make a mixture of the two. Or, even better, use a product formulated with tea tree oil;
    • Avoid the area around the eyes, as it may cause irritation and redness;
    • Don’t use products with tea tree oil in combination with other strong active ingredients such as salicylic acid or retinol; 

    FAQs about tea tree extract in skincare

    Is tea tree cruelty-free?

    Tea tree as an individual ingredient is cruelty-free. If you want to ensure that the product you’re using is entirely cruelty-free, you should search for information about the brand in general and their cruelty-free and animal testing policy. As a short note, Korean brands are 100% cruelty-free most of the time, as animal testing is prohibited in Korea and animal abuse is a huge concern in the country.

    Is tea tree extract / oil vegan?

    Because tea tree extract/oil is an essential oil extracted from the leaves of a tree, it should be vegan. But if you’re buying a product formulated with tea tree extract, you should check if the brand has a vegan policy or not, as the other ingredients used in making the product might not be vegan.

    Does tea tree extract work in skincare?

    Tea tree extract is an effective ingredient in skincare when it comes to various skin conditions and problems such as acne, eczema, skin infections and more. Just note that you should be patient when choosing the right product for you and, if you want to try using tea tree oil topically, make sure you don’t use it undiluted.

    Is tea tree oil good for your skin?

    Tea tree oil is good for various types of skin, but nobody can say if it’s 100% good for YOUR skin. The only way to find out is to make your research and try out products and see how your skin reacts to them over time.

    Can I use tea tree extract in skincare products every day?

    If you’re using an acne-fighting ingredient formulated with tea tree oil, then you should read the indications on the label carefully and do as recommended. Usually, this type of products can be used daily or even twice a day, but it really depends on the brand and the product’s concentration.

    How long does it take for tea tree extract in skincare products to start working?

    Generally speaking, no skincare product can work wonders the next day, so being consistent and having patience with the process are both important aspects when using a new product into your routine. Usually, you can see visible results after using tea tree extract products after around 30 days.

    Does tea tree oil clog pores?

    If you’re using tea tree oil mixed with a carrier oil such as olive oil or coconut oil then yes, there is a risk of pore clogging, considering both ingredients are oils and can be heavy on the skin, especially oily skin. If you’re using a product formulated with tea tree extract, you shouldn’t be concerned about clogging your pores because tea tree oil is, by nature, an antiseptic ingredient.



    So, now you know all about tea tree extract and how it can help with your skin. Tea tree extract is a natural ingredient that has been shown to be effective in treating acne by drying out pimples and reducing oil production. Tea tree oil can also help with other skin conditions such as eczema because of its antibacterial properties. However, it's important not to use too much of this product at once because it can cause irritation if too much gets onto your face (or any other area).


    Adrienne | Co-founder of OMMA Cosmetics

    Photo sources: OMMA and Unsplash. 

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