Propolis for Skin - Complete Guide | How to Use. Benefits. Products. – OMMA COSMETICS Skip to content

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propolis for skin bee products

Propolis for Skin - Complete Guide | How to Use. Benefits. Products.

Propolis is a resin made by bees and used to seal the honeycombs. But not only! Propolis is a unique ingredient also known for its antimicrobial, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Propolis extracts have been used in many skincare products, but how effective is it really? How do you use propolis for skin? What are the benefits of propolis on skin and when to use propolis?

In the following article we'll answer all your questions about propolis for skincare and propolis products!

    1. What is propolis extract?
    2. What does propolis do for skin?
    3. Benefits of propolis for skin
    4. Propolis skincare before and after - what to expect
    5. How to apply propolis on skin
    6. FAQs about propolis extract in skincare


     What is propolis extract?

    Propolis is also known by its Latin name: tree resin; it’s a sticky resinous substance that honeybees produce in their hives. The bees gather the resin from trees, mix it with wax secreted from their bodies to create a sticky substance (which is what we call propolis). They then spread this mixture onto the walls of their hives to prevent mold growth and keep out unwanted intruders like predators.

    Propolis can also be used by humans as an alternative medicine to treat various conditions such as colds or flu. In addition to being an excellent natural antibiotic made from tree resin and wax secretions, propolis has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce redness while promoting healing in your skin. For instance, propolis extract can be applied topically to treat minor skin issues such as acne and dryness.

    Propolis extract is created by boiling down raw propolis until it becomes a thick liquid that can be mixed with water or oil bases such as jojoba oil or olive oil so that it can be applied directly onto the skin as an ingredient in skincare products.

    In skincare products, propolis has long been used because of its ability to heal wounds without scarring; this makes it ideal for treating acne scars which are often hard-to-treat scars with no visible signs of healing even after multiple treatments with other products.


    skincare with propolis

    What does propolis do for skin?

    Propolis is a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent. It has been used for centuries to treat skin conditions, such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. One of the most important benefits of propolis is that it’s rich in antioxidants which protect against free radicals that cause damage to cells and DNA.

    Propolis also contains flavonoids that help fight wrinkles by increasing collagen production in the skin helping you looking younger for longer! This makes propolis great for anti-ageing skincare products.

    As we age, our skin naturally becomes thinner so it loses its ability to retain moisture which causes dryness resulting in fine lines and wrinkles plus sagging skin. Propolis helps to prevent these problems because it contains some powerful moisturizing properties (including honey) which can help keep your skin hydrated by locking moisture into your outermost layer of epidermis (uppermost layer of living tissue).

    Benefits of propolis for skin

    Because propolis is actually the glue that bees use to seal the beehive together, it makes sense that propolis is also used for healing wounds and protecting skin. Propolis has many benefits for your skin:

    • Anti-inflammatory – inflammation causes redness and swelling which make you look older than what you really are. Propolis has great anti-inflammatory properties when used on skin!
    • Skin brightening – Propolis will reveal a brighter looking complexion after regular application cycles over time periods (longer usage periods may produce better results;
    • Skin-soothing – Propolis has natural healing abilities which will calm even super sensitive skin. This topical treatment goes deep into troubled areas without causing irritation or discomfort;
    • Anti-bacterial – Propolis has antiseptic properties that can destroy bacteria on contact so they won't cause infections;
    • Anti-fungal - Propolis has antifungal properties which fight off fungal infections like athlete's foot or yeast infections.

    Out of all these propolis skin benefits listed above, two of them stand out the most:

    Propolis skincare for acne

    Acne-prone skin will benefit most from the use of propolis. Because of its antibacterial properties, propolis is an excellent active ingredient for acne. Propolis can fight bacteria that causes acne, while also moisturizing and healing the skin at the same time.

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    Propolis skincare for anti-aging

    Propolis can also help reduce fine lines and wrinkles by fighting free radicals (the cause of aging). When you apply it topically, propolis stimulates collagen production in your skin so you get firmer, more youthful-looking results.


    propolis in skincare

    Propolis skincare before and after - what to expect

    When to use propolis? As mentioned above, the numerous propolis benefits mostly apply if you have dry or acne-prone skin, as well as mature skin with aging signs such as fine lines.

    Propolis skincare products can take time to show results. The same goes for any new skincare product you introduce into your routine, so don't worry if there isn't a dramatic change right away. Depending on your skin type and current condition, propolis may take between 2 and 6 months of regular use before you see noticeable improvements in the appearance of your skin.

    The good news is that propolis doesn't have to be used alone; it can be combined with other products (like traditional moisturizer) to enhance the benefits it provides!

    There are some precautions you should take before using propolis extract as well. It is not suitable for people with bee allergies, so if you have an allergy to bees, you should avoid using propolis. Propolis can cause skin irritation, so it's best to patch test on your inner forearm before use. If you notice any reactions or side effects after using propolis extract, stop immediately and consult your doctor.

    How to apply propolis on skin

    Depending on what type of propolis-formulated product you’re using, you must respect the instructions written on the package. Let’s take a propolis essence, for example. You must apply a thin layer of propolis essence on your face and neck, then follow with your regular skincare steps.

    Here are some pieces of advice to keep in mind when using products with propolis extract:

    • For best results, you can also use a cotton pad to apply the product;
    • Avoid using too much; this can lead to sensitivity or irritation;
    • Do not apply it near the eye area as it will cause redness and itchiness in that sensitive area of your body.

    FAQs about propolis extract in skincare

    Is propolis cruelty-free?

    Although we cannot say for sure for all brands out there, one thing’s for sure: propolis can definitely be cruelty-free when the substance is simply taken from the beehives. This is true for most Korean brands out there, as Korea doesn’t have animal testing and animal harm is an important subject in that part of the world.

    Is propolis vegan?

    Vegan is definitely not the same as cruelty-free. Honey is not vegan, so propolis isn’t considered to be either (as it’s made with substances secreted by the bee’s body), but this doesn’t mean the honeybees are harmed during the process!

    Does propolis work in skincare?

    What does propolis do for skin? As we mentioned above, propolis contains flavonoids that have antioxidant properties which protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, improving its elasticity – in short, this means you’ll look younger longer!

    Propolis also contains natural antibacterial components like cinnamic acid esters which allow it to kill bacteria without damaging healthy cells around them when applied topically on your face every day. Propolis may even help reduce inflammation associated with acne scars and hyperpigmentation without causing irritation because it doesn't contain any harsh chemicals like retinol.

    Is propolis good for your skin?

    In case you don’t have a bee allergy or a sensitivity to this ingredient, propolis is definitely good for skin. Of course, each person is different and we all have various skin needs and concerns, so the only way to find out is to test it yourself!

    Can I use propolis in skincare products every day?

    Propolis is safe for everyday use, but it really depends on the exact product you’re using and how it is formulated – how high is the propolis concentration in the formula, what other active ingredients are involved etc. Just like with any other skincare ingredient, you must test it out yourself and see.

    How long does it take for propolis in skincare products to start working?

    As with any other skincare ingredient, propolis requires a lot of patience and consistency if you want to have visible results. Generally speaking, results should be visible after about two months of using propolis regularly.

    Does propolis clog pores?

    If you’re using a lightweight hydrating product, you shouldn’t be concerned about clogged pores because its formula is light and fast-absorbing. Generally speaking, propolis-formulated creams have a lightweight, non-sticky formula, but it really depends on each brand and specific products.


    Hopefully, this article highlighted some of the propolis extract skin benefits and uses of this special ingredient in skincare. Propolis is known for its antibacterial properties and can help prevent acne breakouts or reduce the appearance of scars. It also helps keep your skin smooth and moisturized with its hydrating effects. If you're interested in trying out a product that contains propolis extract, check out our list above!


    Adrienne | Co-founder of OMMA Cosmetics

    Photo sources: OMMA, Unsplash.

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