How to Use Hydrocolloid Pimple Patches for Acne – OMMA COSMETICS Skip to content

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How to Use Hydrocolloid Pimple Patches for Preventing and Healing Acne

How to Use Hydrocolloid Pimple Patches for Preventing and Healing Acne

Hydrocolloid pimple patches are some of the most common options for pimple and blemish care. Instead of picking at your pimples, always touching them or applying copious amounts of cream, it’s better to just stick a hydrocolloid pimple patch on it and wait for it to heal by itself. These patches are everywhere around us nowadays, they’re affordable, cute and very easy to use. But do they really work?

Hydrocolloid pimple patches come in all forms, sizes and colors (even though they’re usually transparent). There are hydrocolloid nose stripsround patcheslarge strips, small oneseven glitter patches for a touch of fashion and everything in-between. This type of patches is made for everyday use and they’re ideal on those mornings when you wake up with a huge zit on your face, but you still have to show up to work or school and be presentable at the same time.

In this article we take a look at the science behind pimple patches and whether or not they really work for preventing and healing different types of acne. Let’s find out if acne patches are actually good for acne, how to use them, if they help with minimizing scarring and everything in-between.

  1. Are hydrocolloid patches good for acne?
  2. The Do’s and Don’ts of hydrocolloid pimple patches
  3. Preventing acne / pimple formation with hydrocolloid patches – the science behind it
  4. How do hydrocolloid pimple patches help heal acne marks?
  5. Where to buy hydrocolloid pimple patches from


Are hydrocolloid patches good for acne?

Not everything we see and read about online is automatically true – this is a lesson that each and every one of us has to learn sooner or later. Even though you might’ve seen hydrocolloid acne patches everywhere around you, from pharmacies to drug stores and even in your best friend’s purse, this doesn’t mean they’re the best solution.

But, the thing is, pimple patches actually work! Hydrocolloid patches or dressings are made of a thin, flexible layer and hydrocolloids that have absorbent, gel-forming properties. This type of film bandages can be applied directly on the pimple or blemish and can be used as a spot treatment to ensure faster healing.

They create a protective barrier that absorbs moisture from the inside – this is why your pimples will clear up faster. They also form a protective barrier from many other damaging external factors such as the sun, dust, bacteria, and your fingers – because we all know that picking at your pimples is bad and it does more damage than good.


Invisible hydrocolloid blemish patch Your go-to solution kit for clearing late-stage whiteheads overnight, 72pcs
Invisible hydrocolloid blemish patch
Your go-to solution kit for clearing late-stage whiteheads overnight, 72pcs
Microcrystal blemish patch Your zit-free emergency kit for reducing early-stage painful & deep pimples, 18pcs
Microcrystal blemish patch
Your zit-free emergency kit for reducing early-stage painful & deep pimples, 18pcs



Do hydrocolloid bandages work for blackheads?

There’s only one thing to keep in mind, though – hydrocolloid patches don’t work on all types of acne. While they’re effective on whiteheads and puss-filled blemishes, they’re not recommended for cystic or hormonal acne. They also don’t really work on blackheads. As a rule of thumb, acne patches work best for surface acne, such as zits that have a yellow or white head.

Remember: if you use acne patches on the wrong type of zits, you will most likely see zero results and will live with the impression that the bandages have no real use. It’s only when you apply them to superficial blemishes that you will see their effectiveness.

If you’re not sure whether you should or should not use this type of acne treatment on your specific type of skin, it’s best to consult with a dermatologist beforehand.

hydrocolloid acne patches

The Do’s and Don’ts of hydrocolloid pimple patches

Even though pimple patches are one of the easiest things to use in the world, there are still a few things to keep in mind. More exactly, there is a list of things you should and should not do and we will explain each of them below:


  • Pick a hydrocolloid patch that has salicylic acid or tea tree oil in the ingredients list besides the hydrocolloid;
  • Clean both your face and your hands thoroughly before touching and applying pimple patches;
  • Make sure your skin is completely dry before applying;
  • Use them as the very first step during your morning routine, right after cleansing;
  • Apply hydrocolloid pimple patches on a freshly popped pimple if that’s the case;
  • Pick a good-sized acne patch for your specific situation – this means you should choose a patch that’s a bit bigger than your zit, so you can ensure it is entirely covered;
  • Leave them on your skin for up to 12 hours, preferably overnight;
  • Clean your skin after removing a pimple patch;
  • Apply make-up such as foundation or concealer on top of the patch if you want;
  • Change your patch if it becomes white and opaque;
  • Use pimple patches for “maskne” – since the pandemic started, together with ascending cases of “perioral dermatitis”, this new term was created as fell and it defines a specific type of acne that appears after you wear a mask for prolonged periods of time.


  • Don’t touch the sticky part of the margins – this way you’ll get bacteria directly on your skin;
  • Don’t use acne patches on cystic or hormonal acne – these specific types of acne need to be treated from the inside and it is advised to consult with your doctor or dermatologist if you’re facing this problem;
  • Don’t apply hydrocolloid pimple patches on dirty or oily skin;
  • Don’t apply acne patches without washing your hands;
  • Don’t remove the hydrocolloid patch too quickly, as you might damage your skin;
  • Don’t apply a hydrocolloid acne strip after using a serum, toner or acid on your skin;
  • Don’t use pimple patches on sensitive skin that might get an allergic reaction from the adhesive layer.
about hydrocolloid pimple patches

Preventing acne / pimple formation with hydrocolloid patches – the science behind it

When you learn the science behind pimple patches and how hydrocolloid works, then you’ll understand exactly why this type of patches are actually very effective if used correctly and on the right type of acne. Not only hydrocolloid patched are useful for treating acne, they’re also good for preventing pimple formation. And to better understand this, here’s how they work.

Hydrocolloid bandages or dressings have been used as a treatment for light wounds for many decades now. Recently, it’s been discovered that certain types of hydrocolloid patches are also useful for acne as well – those that have dedicated anti-acne ingredients in their composition such as salicylic acid.

When you apply a hydrocolloid bandage, a protective waterproof barrier is formed on top of your zit. And because hydrocolloid has gel-forming qualities, this substance absorbs all the moisture and nasty liquids inside your pimple from the inside out, helping it dry and heal more quickly. This is exactly why pimple patches turn white and gummy after a couple of hours since you applied them - the white, opaque substance you see if hydrated hydrocolloid that has absorbed the liquid from your skin and toxins inside the pimple and has transformed into a gel consistency.

Some pimple patches can also have “micro darts” on their surface that look like tiny, tiny spikes; these are made of ingredients that treat acne and they gently penetrate your skin after application. Then, the ingredients are dissolved and start treating your pimple.


Invisible hydrocolloid blemish patch
Your go-to solution kit for clearing late-stage whiteheads overnight, 72pcs
Microcrystal blemish patch
Your zit-free emergency kit for reducing early-stage painful & deep pimples, 18pcs


By absorbing excess fluids, hydrocolloid patches promote a faster healing, less redness and the flattening of white or yellow pimples. Because your skin is basically sealed with the waterproof patch (that becomes a “second skin”), it won’t get affected by external factors such as dust or bacteria – this also greatly helps with a faster healing.

When you apply pimple patches on a zit that is in the process of forming, you slow down the growth and speed up the healing process by starting it sooner. This is especially useful in the case of mask acne; it is recommended to wear hydrocolloid patches under your mask to reduce the risk of irritation and worsening of your acne.

hydrocolloid acne patches

How do hydrocolloid pimple patches help heal acne marks?

One of the most promoted advantages of using hydrocolloid patches for acne is the fact that they are great for preventing acne scarring as well. But is this true?

When you apply a hydrocolloid pimple patch, you seal your blemish with a tight, thin layer of transparent film. This will stop you from picking at your skin, which is the exact reason why most people are left with acne marks. When zits and pimples heal naturally by themselves, they don’t leave marks or scarring behind; it’s when we pick at them, poke or apply pressure that scars are created. If your pimple is covered and sealed, you won’t be able to affect it in any way. When you are not touching your skin, you are not spreading bacteria on it and not creating inflammation.

Although hydrocolloid acne patches cannot heal old acne marks from previous pimples, they are useful in preventing future scarring by protecting your skin from trauma such as sunlight, bacteria and face picking. Of course, the entire healing process is equally dependable on how you apply and remove the pimples and how you clean and take care of your skin during the entire process.

Where to buy hydrocolloid pimple patches from

Check out our collection of pimple patches, for both deep zits and whiteheads. 

pimple patches by omma


Adrienne | Co-founder of OMMA Cosmetics

Photo sources: OMMA

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